-Mother, Storyteller, dog owner, chocolate and Dr Who addict, resident of Los Angeles and London, 53 years old, born in Germany.At what age did you write your first book?
-28, quite old
What was your inspiration for writing your book(s)?
-I wrote my very first book because I was a very bored illustrator and longed to illustrate a story with dragons. So of course one became the hero of my very first book. It took me another three books though to realize that I actually love writing even more than illustrating.
As for my most recently published book Ghostknight Salisbury Cathedral was the inspiration and a dead knight who was buried there.
Are there any parts of the story you feel particularly close to?
-It was a very special writing adventure to base this story on real places and historical characters and to imagine my readers to visit them and experience their magic. Ghostknight is also especially close to my heart because I have been obsessed with knights since I read The Once and Future King which is to this day my favourite book in the world.
How can our followers find you?
-On my website corneliafunke.com, and on Facebook, where I regularly post and answer comments on the RECKLESS pages launched by my British and German publishers.
UK related questions
Where’s your favourite place?
-The Cathedral Close in Salisbury and the Scottish Highlands.
What’s your favourite thing about living here?
-I live in London only part of the year, as my daughter Anna studies at UCL, but England means for me the perfect balance to my other life in Los Angeles. I find everything I miss about Europe here, the rich layers of history, that though I was born in Germany, feel like my history and cultural background. I always loved British literature, British history and the way, you can laugh at yourselves and nevertheless take all the important questions of life and human existence very serious.
Is there one place you would like to visit, that you haven’t yet?
-Oh, there are so many. I have been to Wales only once to do an event at the Hay Festival and would love to see more of it. I would like to visit Skye and the other Western Scottish islands. I haven’t been to Yorkshire yet and and and….there are not many places in the world that tempt me so much to explore :)
Do you have a favourite British band?
-I used to love the Fine Young Cannibals but that’s a looong time ago. I love Adele, but almost everyone does, but otherwise I listen to Henry Purcell, when I listen to British music :)
Do you have a favourite British movie?
-I am completely obsessed with Dr Who.
Do you have a favourite British actor/actress?
-David Tennant.
When you think of Britain, what’s the first thing you think of?
-The landscapes, the feeling that the island is still enchanted :)
Which place in Britain would you most like to live, other than where you do live?
-I am looking for a house near Bath, Shaftesbury or Salisbury at the moment, to live my British country side dream and one day realize a cultural center for children.
What’s your favourite British saying?
-I am the Doctor. Trust me.
And then he meets Ella, a quirky new friend with a taste for adventure...
Together, Jon and Ella must work to uncover the secrets of a centuries-old murder, while being haunted by ghosts intent on revenge.
So when Jon summons the ghost of the late knight Longspee for his protection, there's just one question - can Longspee really be trusted?
Author bio
Cornelia Funke is the New York Times bestselling author of the Inkheart trilogy (Chicken House), Reckless and a whole host of popular children's novels and picture books. She has sold over 10 million books worldwide, with over 7 million of those books in the English language. Born in 1958 in the German town of Dorsten, Cornelia initially worked as an illustrator but soon began writing her own stories. Cornelia lives with her family in LA in a house full of books.
Find the author
Cornelia Funke is the New York Times bestselling author of the Inkheart trilogy (Chicken House), Reckless and a whole host of popular children's novels and picture books. She has sold over 10 million books worldwide, with over 7 million of those books in the English language. Born in 1958 in the German town of Dorsten, Cornelia initially worked as an illustrator but soon began writing her own stories. Cornelia lives with her family in LA in a house full of books.
Find the author
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